New is old

Written by Eddy Amihere.

"Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already in the ages before us ” (ESV) Ecclesiastes 1:10

It is a 'New Year' as we all call it and there will continue to be New Years and of course there had been as many as ages have been. What is called old today was new yesterday so will the new be old tomorrow. The wisest mortal man that ever lived, Solomon made this profound and mind-boggling statement "...there is nothing new under the sun" (Eccl. 1:9b, ESV).

One would say iPhone 7 has never existed before its introduction or Mercedes' GLA class vehicle is definitely a new thing in the auto market. The wise man set his heart to seek meaning and have a taste of all that takes place under the sun as it's the nature of all men especially those of us in the technology era. Men in ages past, as well as those of us living today often, seek and “lust” after almost everything that satisfies the flesh, pleases the eye and stirs our pride (1 John 2:15). The fact however is, the eye is never satisfied with seeing and the ear is never filled with hearing (Eccl. 1:8b). The new will always give way to another new so, it is just weariness for a man to continually chase after new things.

The desire of man for new of everything is one plausible reason for the rise in infidelity in marriages and the lukewarm attitude of Christians today. Spouses are never content with what they see in their partners. Christians are constantly chasing after the passing pleasures of the world having little or no time in their schedule for God.

Let's only stick to the unchanging God and His absolute word to have a firm anchor so that we will not be swayed by the changing pleasures. Because "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastics 1:9, ESV).

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