No "Goodbye"?

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

“After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could no longer see him” (NIV) Acts 1:9

It is interesting how ‘goodbye’ nearly always slips off our lips in our daily relationships. And where parting ensues, there would one also utter this special relational word. Goodbye may come in one of three forms- in joy, sorrowfully or in ambivalence. However, the inner experience of both short and long-term exchange of “goodbye” could be really emotional.

Soon before the Lord’s ascension, he engaged his apostles in an important reminder on the task ahead; the Great Commission (Acts 1:7-8). At this moment there was a mixed feeling possibly, as the Lord was soon to return to Heaven (John 3:13). Prior to this occasion though, a very close relationship had been built by the Lord and these men. But the mystery lies in the question, ‘why no “goodbye” to the people Jesus had been so close to throughout his ministry?’ Instead, it was the speech from two white-clothed men that was voiced.

Things have not changed much with time regarding the place of goodbyes in human engagements. The occasion when we denied or were denied a goodbye may have distraught us to some degree. A little probe into Scriptures (the Bible), however, gives a rather high reassurance. We learn that the Lord actually never left these men since he had promised to always be with them (Matthew 28:20b). Likewise, we too can say with all confidence that we have Emmanuel (God with us), in a timeless relationship (Hebrews 13:5b).

“Goodbye”, thus, good as it is, is still in temporal, uncertain, and earthly setting. We can be thankful to the Lord for his indescribable closeness. His ever-presence with us makes it redundant to hear goodbye from him or we to him. No wonder he never uttered “goodbye”. May we strive amidst our “goodbyes”, however, to reach the end of the journey to our heavenly home where no parting words will ever exist anymore.

Until then you are wished goodbye and the Lord’s blessings today.

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