Dare to be on God's side?

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

Christians are charged to live up to the very stature of the Lord Jesus. Just as the hymnist clearly exclaimed, “O to be like Thee Blessed Redeemer…”. This means we are living in the world but we are not of the world (John 17:15-16). We have been chosen for a higher calling (Philippians 3:14).

If there is One known for great forgiveness, then that is God Himself who forgives and remembers no more (Isaiah 43:25). He has carried our sins as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12) to serve as the ultimate example for us to learn from - forgiveness.

On the other hand, what does the world we live in has for its standard? The diametrical opposition by the world is almost always predictable. There is everything wrong to forgive says the world; when one has the upper hand that’s the good time to strike, when nobody is watching that’s the right time to go for it, and when everybody is doing it that becomes the standard even if it is obvious the contrary must rather hold.

Our Lord Jesus is also the master of patience and forgiveness. He lived and taught about these subjects on earth. In many times, He had to walk that path alone to encourage us during similar journeys. Unfortunately, the world ridiculed him when he showed such great love through forgiveness. Therefore, Christians must not be surprised when we are also ridiculed rather than honored for suppressing our anger and forgiving others of their wrong doings against us (Proverbs 16:32).

We must dare to walk the “alone path” if it is God’s way. The irony is that, to the world we are alone but in reality (spiritually) we are surrounded by multitude of angels and our Saviour. God’s way is never a loss or time wasted, my brethren. Let’s live with a gentle heart towards daily attitude of forgiveness for that God’s side of the paths of life.

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