
Where do you stand- in the light or in the darkness?

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

"This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth, comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God." (NIV) John 3:19-21

Taking a survey among readers of this devotion as to whether we are in the light or darkness, I am sure all of us will boldly say we are in the light. Everyone wants to be associated with the light because it is believed that good things are done in the light and bad things are done in the dark. But my question really is, are your actions and inactions placing you in the light or in the darkness?

Jesus Christ came into the world to be the light for us so that we, His followers, will also walk in His light. Unfortunately, many are refusing to walk in the light Christ has provided. Many prefer the dark where they can hide and do all the evil things that come easily to them. Even some Christians do not walk in the light always. They walk in the light when it is convenient and when it is inconvenient, walk in the dark.

This happens to Christians because we are surrounded by so many bad things that sometimes the bad things feel normal to us so we think it is okay to also partake in those bad but normal things. In Ghana, it is normal for one driver to insult another driver for suddenly veering into his lane, but is that right? We must hold our heads up and differentiate between light and darkness and not be swayed by “darkness normal” things.

Other times, Christians are caught up in the dark because of our own desires. Because we are humans, the desire to do the wrong thing burns in us but we are gifted with self-control to be able to pinch ourselves to stop us from doing the wrong things (going into the dark).

Again, the people we surround ourselves with also lure us into the darkness. Having non-Christians as friends is a potential threat. Marrying a non-Christian also comes with the risk of veering into the darkness. We must choose friends and spouses who will encourage us to remain in the light and not vice versa.

Let us stay in the light so the world can see and know the truth but as we do so, let’s be mindful of the “darkness normal” things, sinful human desires and the people we surround ourselves with, so we do not swing into the darkness. God bless you.

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