"Altogether, Enoch lived a total of 365 years. Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” (NIV) (Gen. 5:23-24)

Life is a journey. Every journey is more enjoyable in the company of trusted and reliable people. As it is a great privilege for children to walk with caring parents, so should man desire to walk with God. Walking with God has immediate and eternal blessings/rewards.

Two persons can walk together when they agree (Amos 3:3). Enoch chose to dedicate his entire life to God and so he walked with God. Walking with God requires full dedication of body, soul and spirit to a holy living. Enoch could walk with God because he pleased God (Heb. 11:5). His reward was that he did not see physical death. As a champion of faith, Enoch sets the example for all Christians. Noah walked with God and he and his family were saved from the floods (Gen. 6). Christians who remain faithful will not taste eternal death at the second coming of Jesus, Our Lord.

Anyone who lives in sin cannot please or walk with God. Our walk with God begins with our willingness to reconcile our lives to Christ. Those who accept the gospel of Christ, repent, confess faith in Christ and allow for baptism. Those who receive salvation live faithfully for God to the end of age, despite the challenges that will come.

It is always a great and enjoyable moment having a companion on a walk or journey. There is only one trusted person with the capability to guide and protect you as you walk under the universe and this person is God. Make a determination to agree with God, please Him and walk with Him. Enjoy your walk with God today and forever.

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