“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (NLT) Matthew 7:7

I have had the desire to write an article for quite some time and every time I take my computer to type something, I go blank. I wondered why this was happening to me. I prayed to God about it and asked for grace to do more for him each day. It was not until I heard a song which admonished that “we have a conversation with Christ in our difficult times”, that I understood the essence of my challenge. The words of the song did not come to me as a surprise but it reaffirmed that I was doing the right thing by praying to God all this while.

Most of the time, we go through a phase in life and things that happen seem to be out of the ordinary, they baffle us. In some cases, it subsides immediately when we call out to the Lord but in most cases, we find ourselves asking and asking to no avail. And we are made to believe by those around us who do not understand what God is doing that we may never receive any answer from the Lord.

Truly, there are times when some issues take a different toll. So, we find ourselves talking to God about it and he never responds. And for a moment, it feels like our critics may be right, but when we are tempted to let our hearts believe such liars or to concede defeat, our God reveals himself so mightily, all we can do is to praise him.

So, let’s keep on knocking on God’s door when all hope is lost. Let’s invite the Lord for a tête ὰ tête. Make an appointment with him; Give him a seat and talk it over with him. Don’t waste your breath making a big deal about your situation, because the Lord knows when to answer. All you need is to continuously talk it over with him. Tell yourself “maybe I wasn’t loud enough with what I told the Lord; maybe I wasn’t bold enough when I presented my case; maybe I am not being persistent; maybe I am not showing God my level of faith in his word; maybe I still doubt God’s power in quietness; just maybe, God needs to see more of what I profess each day concerning him in my life – more of JESUS and less of myself and the pleasures of the world”.

I did talk to God about my situation. I left it in his hands and today he has glorified his name with this piece which I pray blesses many of you out there. No matter what you are going through, I want you to remember this; it will end in praise and glory to God, only when you stay true to his word as you trust him in quietness. Never fret for fear is of the evil one. He who has called us is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24) and he will do it so talk it over with Christ.

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