Thanking God through positive attitude

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving"(NIV) Colossians 3:23-24

Bible reading: Ephesians 6: 5 - 7

One morning as I listened to Uncle Ebo Whyte; a playwright on one of the Ghanaian radio stations, I thought to myself, this is truly food for thought for everyone especially Christians.

According to Uncle Ebo Whyte, his message was based on an email sent by the CEO of Unique Trust (a company in Ghana) to his employees. The CEO had returned from a business trip in South Africa and was sharing with his employees what he had witness at a place of convenience at the South African airport. The cleaner of the place stood by the entrance and in one hand was a mob and he had a broad smile and said to anyone who walked passed him to go use the place, “welcome to my office!”

He was surprised about the positive attitude the cleaner showed. On his way back through the same airport, he decided to engage the cleaner to find out what motivated his positive attitude. The cleaner told him that, “important people come through his place of work before boarding their planes and so being nice to them when they come over to his office was his little contribution towards making their journey comfortable”.

The above story makes one thing clear to us as Christians that whatever we find our hands doing, we should do it with all our heart as if we are working for God. For a man cleaning a place of convenience, you will not expect him to be excited about that profession let alone be nice to people who visit the place.

There are many of us with “better” jobs than the gentleman in this story but the least said about our attitude towards these jobs, the better. Matthew 25: 14-30 talks about the parable of the talent. In the parable, we see the reward for a lazy worker and the reward for hardworking and enterprising workers. Let us aspire to be like the hardworking and enterprising workers.

You may find yourself in a job you are not interested in but instead of putting forward the worst attitude towards that job, why not put in the best attitude and your dream job will be a reward. It could also be the job God has planned for you and as you put your best attitude towards it, you will grow to love it. It is said that if your attitude towards the least of important things is bad, likewise will your attitude be when you get the greatest of all things. We will not be blessed with greater things unless we learn to appreciate smaller things through positive attitude.

May the Lord instill in us a clean attitude which will radiate in all we do and through that let the world know how grateful we are to God for blessing us with the jobs we have. God bless you.

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