The day God died

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

"There is a God, He is alive. In HIM we live and we survive. From dust our God Created man. He is our God, the great I AM.”. A. W. Dicus

Probably one of the most difficult and unattainable things to do is to define God. HE surpasses every thinkable superlative. Clearly stated, without faith it’s impossible to please HIM: for who comes to God must believe that HE IS and that He rewards those who diligently seek HIM. Yes, God IS (Heb. 11:6). HE made all things and HE does sustain all things-being the author of life. God knows the stars by name, God’s word and commands are established forever, all thoughts and intents are just before HIM, our steps are ordered by HIM.

Actually these are only a minuscule of God’s acts. Suffice to ask, however, the following pressing questions. How can one think of the demise of God? And why will HE die? What could possibly kill God?

Well, a quick sweep through the day God died will possibly explain the above suspense. On that day:

• Forgiveness and Justice were offered and executed respectively. Luke 23:34

• Salvation was procured for all and Paradise promised. Luke 23:43

• True horizontal relationships were epitomized. John 19:26, 27

• The consequence of sin being separation (both physically and spiritually) was clearly sounded. Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34

• Thirst (not to mention unbearable deprivation) for mankind. John 19:28

• The safest hands were introduced. Luke 23:46

• “It is finished” was the last cry- the cry of victory. John 19:30

God has handled all the impossible ones for us. HE has answered the previous dilemmas. He did not sparing JESUS for our sake (Rom. 8:32). The question must thus be- have you responded to God’s love by completing HIS plan for you? HE loves us to have done all these, and we would not let HIM down.

By Faith in Jesus, Repentance from sins, Confession of Jesus as LORD/ Son of God, Obedience in Baptism by immersion, the gates of a new life are opened to us. Matt. 28:18-20; Mk 16:15-16; Act 2:36-38.

The GOD who died, Jesus (John 1:1), is alive forevermore and is ready to help you today. 2Cor.6:2.

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