Some folk don't want heaven

Written by Tom Smith.

“O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You..."(NKJV) Psalm 63:1

Some people openly declare that they don't want to go to heaven. I've had people tell me that they would rather be with their drinking buddies in hell than with the church-going crowd in heaven.

Most people, however, say they hope to go to heaven when they die, but I've often wondered what makes them think they would be happy there. They ignore Jesus Christ and want nothing to do with God. They show no interest in Bible reading, prayer, and worship. Why would they suddenly enjoy fellowship with God on the other side?

Although David makes no reference in Psalm 63 to spending eternity with God, there is no doubt about his deep longing for God. And I believe that the godly attitudes and actions we are nurturing in our lives here and now prepare us for heaven's enjoyments throughout eternity.

That raises some heart-searching questions. We say we want God in our lives, but how passionately do we seek fellowship with Him? How much time do we spend reading His Word, praying, and worshiping? How earnestly do we want to please Him? Does our soul thirst for Him and our heart long for Him? If so, we can say with David, "My soul follows close behind You" (v.8).

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