Ambassador’s Life

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as were all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope” (NIV) 1 Chron. 29:15

What we do in life communicates more than what we say. Our behaviour reflects who we are. Every Christian is a child of God, belongs to God and has a special home where God is. It is the expectation of God that our actions and inactions bring glory and honour to his name rather than shame and sadness.

All Christians are ambassadors of Christ scattered on earth to achieve the Master’s will. Ambassadors are not of their own, they have been given authority and responsibility by their Master. Your resources and others come from the Master you are representing. Ambassadors are temporal officers in their country of work just as Christians are ambassadors in God’s kingdom and the world. One day we shall surely get back to our country of origin (heaven), where we are citizens because of the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many Christians have forgotten their missions as ambassadors and are only chasing after worldly things they don’t need. Be careful with worldly lust and materialism. Ambassadors are sent for" the interest of their native country but not their personal comfort. Be careful how you relate with the natives for they can contribute to you not attaining eternity.

God has commissioned Christians as ambassadors on earth, live your life well so that you can return home safely. Know how to deal with your current country that is this physical world we live in. We can be called from this world anytime our maker wishes. Let’s live with the utmost desire to return to our country of origin one day.

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