Speaking fruitful words

Written by Quansah Fredrick and Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

''Then God said, "Let there be light", and there was light. And God saw that the light was good' (NIV) Gen.1:3-4a

There is power in the words we speak. Therefore, we must speak life by using words which can help us edify, encourage, overcome temptation, cool tempers and make us fruitful as children of God. Our words have a tremendous effect on our lives. The power of our words will either make us fruitful or barren.

Words are the fruits of our tongue. What we say can either satisfy us with good things or deny us the abundant life that God wants us to have. Some parents kill every good thing in their children with their words when they are angry.

Walking with God requires agreement with God. We can't claim to walk with God and at the same time be in disagreement with him. The basis of our agreement with God is His word. His word is what He has given us for us to know him and relate to him. Agreeing with God means agreeing with His word. To live a fruitful life, overcome temptation and control our anger we must guide our tongue or words, we must speak words that align with what the Lord has called us to be and what He has invested in us.

We miss or delay what God has for us when we associate ourselves with negative words or phrases like 'I can't do it, 'I am too old',' I have no hope', 'It is impossible' and other self-defeating expressions. Let's learn from God, how He used His words in the Genesis 1. He used two phrases to get all that He did, done (Let there be and Let us make).

We should know that some words from our mouths can bring about anger and temptation. Henceforth, for us to overcome temptation and have dominion over the power of anger we must master the words we speak to ourselves, other people, and situations. May God Almighty help us always in the choice of our words to bring peace, light, life and fruitfulness. Amen.

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