Intricacies of life

Written by Ruth Afua Agyeibea Arthur.

“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation. (KJV) Isaiah 12:2

As we ponder over the theme for October “strength during hard times”, let us reflect on this piece.

My tears, My fears, My doubts

Beneath I crash

My faith, My hope, My strength

Above I draw

I sojourn in life

Setbacks tossing like a wind

Twisting and turning my every move

The battle is drawn

Head on I forge

“Pressed against defeat

Like the prophet Isaiah wrote in the verse above, struggles and challenges are regular features of life. They could take up much space and overstay their welcome but when we look to God in these times, not only will we have peace, but we will also overcome the situation.

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