
Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” (NIV) Psalm 139:14

Have you ever wondered why among the millions of sperms, you were the one chosen for the day? Have you ever wondered why although you may resemble your siblings and other members of the family, you are nonetheless indescribably different?

Have you wondered why you are able to rise above the challenges that others cripple against? Have you thought of how you are able to pull your self-confidence up? I can ask as many questions as possible on why you are so not like the others!

And I know you may want to ask, why am I so? You are tempted to ask because you don’t feel that special. Why? Is it simply because you see yourself to be a failure? Maybe you haven’t been able to achieve your dreams or goals. Maybe you see yourself still stagnant at the same level whilst your friends pass on and go. Even your junior friends in school, work, church, community etc. are all succeeding!

And you so wished you were like them. You so wished you were in their position. You so wished you had that opportunity. You so wished you had that promotion.

Well, the good news is that God sees you beyond how you see yourself. He holds you in high esteem. In your vulnerability and weakness; God calls you magnificent. Yes, a masterpiece of brilliance and exceptional value and worth. Indeed, you are his priceless treasure.

And his admiration and love for you; for who you are and what you stand for is unparalleled. You are unique! You are special. You are magnificence dearly beloved.

As you walk into the New Year, there are two things that are sure of this year that just ended:

1) God gave you life and shielded you from the wrath of the evil one

2) You either received or not what you dreamed and prayed for the whole year

So what will your attitude into the New Year be? One of disappointment and crushed dreams or one of hope and unmerited favor activated? Will you say “God doesn’t love me?” or instead say “Oh God, thank you for your unflinching love towards me?” Will you sing a song of his amazing grace or sink in depression and sadness?

Whatever the attitude is, I pray yours (attitude) is full of praise to the maker. I pray you see yourself the way God sees you. I pray you feel the love and joy in God’s heart when you appear before the throne.

I pray you understand that you are the magnificent being created by God. I pray you understand God’s time and seasons. I pray you receive the patience it takes to finally come into your season.

I pray when you are broken beyond what you think you can handle, that you take time to see through the eyes and heart of God. See his heart cry with joy as he gives you a standing ovation: magnificence are you dearly beloved. Yes, God’s magnificent magnificence.

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