Created to be loved

Written by Douglas Agyapong.

“Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." (NIV) I John 4:8

After many years of searching out the meaning of love, it was interesting to finally know that love is God. People assign various reasons why they think God created humans. Why could He not have stayed alone? Some think God needed a dispenser of worship. Others reason out that God needed servants. I believe the answer is found in this scripture. That God, who moved upon the face of the waters (Gen 1:2), was Love and was in dire need of an object of Love. Love could never be complete without an object to be loved. It was quite impossible for Love to have stayed alone forever. He may have suffered from depression or His purpose may have been defeated.

After attempting to stay alone for a while, I can imagine Him cry out in despair, “We cannot do this anymore! We need an object to lavish our Love on extravagantly.” “Let us make man…” He, therefore, created us so that we become the recipients of His ever-weighty love. He foreknew, I am sure, that we would betray Him. But that rather fitted into His plan paradoxically because it was through our betrayal, He got the chance to show us the greatest love of all; “that a man lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). Glory unto God for being Love. We can respond by at least attempting to love back.

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