Vitamin C’s for marriage

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned.” (NIV) Songs of Solomon 8:7

Naturally, all living things are expected to grow, develop and mature at the right pace. Marriage is expected to undergo similar developmental stages until it matures. Biblically, marriage is the starting point for family life and the basic unit blocks of this world.

Although marriage demands a lot from partners, there are guiding principles from scripture that should be applied to make marriage very successful. Let us consider these things as sweet Vitamin C’s to spice and grow our marriages to make the home sweet and sound.

The first Vitamin C is to see marriage as a sacred institution that needs the consecration of couples to make it work and achieve its purpose. Marriage in Christ is a rehearsal for heaven as one has to stay true to the marriage calling until death does you apart (Matt. 19:6). Marriages move from being sweet to sour when couples decide not to consecrate themselves to the Lord but carnality.

Good communication is key to the success of a marriage. Be open and communicate in an understandable medium and avoid a lot of assumptions. You will know, learn, and understand a lot through constant positive communication with your partner.

Consideration of the interest of your spouse will surely enhance how we handle, respect, and expect outcomes in marriage. Always take decisions and act with consideration and inputs from your spouse. No matter how compatible a couple maybe, there will be times of tension and disagreements. Self-control will be of great importance should you get to that stage of marriage. With the Spirit of God, humility, and determination, you can control yourself should tempers fly high.

Marriage is for imperfect people who want to support each other unto perfection. You can never have a perfect partner. There must be lots of compromise from both partners if you are to succeed in marriage. Being content with your spouse is the best way to accommodate whatever will happen in marriage. If you do not want to keep a partner for life, better not to marry, that is "taste not or drink deep".

You need to perform your responsibilities in marriage. Your partner is to help you carry the burdens of life but not to replace you in carrying it. Marriage is a great work and each partner has to carry a load of responsibility.

Administering some of these Vitamin C’s to our marriage and with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can make our marriages a comfortable place to always want to be. May God help those yet to start their married life and also those already in marriage with favour to succeed. Amen.

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