Is Your Seed Worthy Enough? Part II

Written by Christopher Opey Tetteh.

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might…” (NIV) Eccl. 9:10

The Bible outlines many principles of life that must be followed if one needs to succeed in this world. One such principle is the principle of giving out your best in all endeavours.

Permit me to share a story that illustrates the above principle. Two good friends go by the names Dan and Paul got employed by a wealthy man in one of his numerous factories. After a few years of working at the factory, Dan started complaining to Paul that their salary was small considering the amount of work they do so decided not to give out his best. Paul, on the other hand, was grateful for the job he had and continued to give out his best.

One day, their employer called for a meeting and listed all the unhealthy and appalling behaviour of Dan. He was fired immediately and was left to starve with his innocent wife and children. Paul, however, was rewarded to take charge of all the factories his employer possesses.

Like the story above, God has allowed you to work in his vineyard, do you think God owes you something more, or are you the one that is indebted to Him? Is your effort towards God's kingdom worthy of promotion on the day of Judgment? Please, reflect on these questions.

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