Light in the darkness

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be completely lighted, as when the light of lamp shines on you."(NIV) Luke 11:36

Bible Reading: Luke 11:33-36

Let us try and understand our position in Christ Jesus as Christians. We have been brought from darkness into a wonderful light. This world and everything in it is full of darkness and they are in search of a light. It is to this effect that Christ has called us to make known the Light of the World: John 1:4-5 says: in Him was life, and that life was the Light of Men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

How can they understand unless they are told? For this reason we are called as Christians. We are the light in this dark world. We must allow the people in this world to know and understand this Light by spreading the good news of the light and living exemplary lives.

During the time of the Light of Men (Jesus) on earth, the Bible says He went about doing good. We were also told that His fame spread throughout and people, who heard of Him, brought the sick to be healed, blind to see etc.

The apostles had similar impact on the people of their time as well. It is our time as Christians to carry this torch and have impact on our world today. We must understand this simple yet herculean task Christ requires of us. It is when we understand that we are the light of the world as Christians, and review our lives constantly can we be effective and productive in God.

Accepting and acknowledging ones responsibility as a Christian is the solution for breaking through the darkness that surrounds the world. We are the light in the darkness.

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