Crave for maturity

Written by Christopher Opey Tetteh.

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:14-15; Hebrews 5:12-13

According to the law of nature, every living thing must grow. A seed is planted and then it germinates, afterwards, it goes through a maturing process to either become a big tree or bear more fruits. It also goes through a couple of seasons (dry, wet, sunny, stormy), but it is able to withstand any force that comes against it.

Humans also go through a growing process, from infancy, childhood to adulthood. Paul admonished the Ephesians to move from being children to adults who can gird up their loins and stand firm to avoid being carried away by any deceitful and cunning creed of man.

Maturity in life is a very crucial state that every Christian must seek willingly. God wants us to keep maturing spiritually and physically to overcome Satan and his plots against us. We must stand firm like a rock and hold firm our faith in the Lord and protect the salvation we have received.

It is, therefore, necessary that we equip ourselves for the edifying of the body of Christ to more excellent work through the fervent reading of scripture, praying, fasting, and living in purity. The "milk" is now enough, we need to take solid foods as we crave for maturity.

In the pursuit of maturity in the Lord, it is crucial to let go of all worldly pleasures that weaken and delay our maturity to seek earnestly, the things above and not things on Earth (Colossians 3:1). May God help us as we strive to mature continuously in Christ.

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