Are You Anxious?

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, but a good word makes it glad.” (NKJV) Proverbs 12:25

Uncertainties and challenges of life make many people very worried, for example, the current situation of COVID-19 pandemic. Your responses in stressful times depend on how prepared you are when life seems normal. There are some things humanity can control but still, there are many issues of life that lie outside the influence of the mortal man.

Christians are to rejoice always, be content in all circumstances and promised with an eternal prize in heaven (2Tim 4:8). Despite these, believers are sometimes hit with this question, how can somebody saved from sin, who is a child of almighty God, supposed to be enjoying all spiritual blessings be anxious and depressed? Where is God amid all these global challenges?

Life challenges can hit anybody no matter your faith, education, social status and possessions. The fact that some are not complaining does not mean they are immune to difficulties. Consider the following great men in scripture who we all aspire to be for their contribution to God’s work. Job (Job 6), King David (Psalm 142), Elijah (1Kings 19) and Jesus before his death (Matt. 26) were all in anxious states.

As humans, we get troubled by many issues which include dealing with job losses, health problems, marital issues, loss of a spouse, loneliness, wayward children, and church issues. The world will continue to experience more uncertainties and more anxious moments. How are we to manage the present and future anxious moments? Do not worry about things outside your circle of influence like the Bible said not to worry about tomorrow (Matt. 6:34, 27).

Also, we need to pray earnestly (Phil. 4:6-7). Keep yourself engaged in the Lord’s work and service to humanity (I Cor. 15:58). Meditate on the Holy Scriptures (Ps. 119:49-50) and guidance and admonishing from fellow Christians can be of immense help.

Always look to Jesus who suffered worse conditions than any of us can imagine. His patience through challenges made him King of Kings. Do your best and trust God to do the rest.

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