Walk in a New Life

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” (NIV) Ephesians 4:22-24

Christians are admonished to continually move up in our spiritual lives. This is a command, not an option for believers to do. No one ought to continue in a state of spiritual infancy like we were when we first obeyed; we were in a state of innocent bliss. Beloved, we should never desire to return to immaturity, ignorance, inexperience and other infantile behaviours we use to engage in.

The journey to a new life begins in the mind. Since, Satan knows changes originate from the mind, there is a perpetual battle in the mind for control. The enemy is constantly battling with God for our minds. You have the power to select the one to listen to and obey. How much of a grip does Satan have on your mind? What types of things do you think about? Do you have a defeatist attitude? Are you complacent?

People of God think of heavenly things and walk accordingly. Why don’t we think on proper things? It is because the enemy accuses us to keep living in the past. We can consider the past but not dwell on it. Let’s have a proper perspective of life which should be on Christ. Many fail to grow into a new life with Christ because of fear and self-imposition of limit to their vision. And this is because they often concentrate on the physical realm or what can be experienced physically with the human senses.

Consider God’s perspective and his purpose for you. God does not view life in the same way we do! If we train our minds to think in heavenly terms, it will change our perspective about everything. We will endure persecutions with joy. We will be content with little of this life’s goods or walk away from them if they are against the will of God. No matters how others treat us, we will faithfully endure with the right attitude. We will view sickness, death, and other trials in a totally different way-one the world will never understand!

To walk in a new life with Christ, consider your future. Fear should not be the only thing that motivates us to grow spiritually, if it is, we will be miserable. Fear is NOT a good-enough motivator to inspire us to do our best. It may be a good starting point, but all it yields is the minimum required to get by. It is the desire of God for us to walk from our old life to a new life in him to experience great joy in life and the future to come. Amen!

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