The Power of Words

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (NIV) Ephesians 4:29

“He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” (NIV) Proverbs 21:23

In every relationship, communication is key. Communication can make or break up: a marriage, relationship between parents and children, relationship between siblings and friends. Our choice of words in communication during happy or serene times is not as problematic as the choice of words when there is a misunderstanding or argument or anger.

Many homes and friendships have been broken because, during an argument or misunderstanding, tempers went high and unwholesome words were dished out from the mouths of persons involved, and when the rage calmed, these unwholesome words could not be taken back and have done irreparable damage.

As humans, misunderstandings and anger are part of us but in such times, it is very necessary to guard our words else we risk spilling very hurtful words that we cannot take back. Words have the power to build and to destroy so it is necessary as Christians to choose to build always with our words.

I chanced on a write-up, the author is unknown, but I believe it can help us control our words when tempers are high. The writer creates a logical scenario: when you are angry with your mentor’s child, will you say hurtful words to that child? No! This is because you respect your mentor so much to hurt his or her child with your words. Similarly, that person you are angry with is a child of God and so as a sign of respect to God, it is important not to use foul words in your dealings with that person. To use unpleasant words in your dealings with anybody means you have no respect for God.

So, in your anger, before you voice out those words, take a second to reflect if your words will build or destroy or whether your words will mean you have or do not have respect for God. May God help us guard our words. AMEN!

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