The Bible-The Christian constitution

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.

“All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and teaching in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NIV) 2 Timothy 3:16-17

According to, a constitution is the system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, corporation, or the like, is governed. The constitution of a country is supreme and all other laws must not go contrary to the constitution.

From the definition of a constitution, it is clear that the constitution for the Church is the Bible. Fortunately for us Christians, our constitution was inspired by God and not man. Therefore, it is important to ensure that nothing is added or taken away from it. Let us make some comparison between the constitution of the world and that of the Church.

Lawyers, judges and other people have studied the provisions in the constitution such that if any provision is violated, they recognize it and defend it and ensure that the said provision is respected and obeyed. Can we say the same as Christians about our constitution? It is now okay to change the teachings of the Bible to suit us. Many argue that it is necessary to change some things in the Bible to suit our generation because the Bible was written so many years ago. Others also say that some teachings in the Bible do not attract people to church and so we must modify so that many more can come to Church. I find these arguments disheartening because God’s words never change (Matthew 24:35, Luke 21:33) and for no reason must it be changed to please anybody; pleasing God is better than pleasing man (Galatians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:4).

Another thing worth noting is that people have studied the constitution of the world such that they know when one provision is violated. Can the same be said of Christians and the Bible? The only way we can ensure that the Bible teachings are not changed is to study it such that we can recognize even the smallest change in the teachings of the Bible. Let us all make conscious effort towards the studying of the Bible if we are not already doing so, so that we can ensure that at all times we are not going contrary to any of the Lord's teachings.

People go through all legal means to defend and enforce the provision of their worldly constitution at all times. Can we say as Christians that through evangelism and prayer, we teach others and correct others about teachings of the Bible as a way of defending and enforcing the teachings of the Bible always? Many Christians are either shy or ashamed to share the word with other people. Others claim they do not know what to say when they go for evangelism. My advice for starters is that whatever you heard before you agreed to become a Christian please share that good news with other people and pray about it and God will do His part.

God bless us as we hold fast to our constitution (Bible) as Christians and defend it at all times.

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