Great zeal for success

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.” (NIV) Luke 5:18-19

Physically, all of us have some targets or interest we want to achieve in this life. We try a lot to pursue such agenda to ensure we achieve the ultimate we have set for ourselves. It is very interesting to observe people going all out to navigate through all challenges that are anticipated or not in order to obtain their heart desires.

The scripture above demonstrates the extent to which humans go to accomplish physical things in life. Just take some time to reflect on the story. Jesus was in an enclosed area where accessibility to him was extremely difficult if impossible. He was surrounded by many people with the majority of them hoping to get some form of relief from Christ. That not withstanding, the family and friends of this sick person believed that healing could only be attained by close contact with Christ. So they analyzed the situation and developed a strategy to penetrate the thick environment in order to reach Christ. Beloved, just imagine passing a sick person through the roof of a building…that must be very challenging, right? Well, the caretakers managed to do that. They might have encountered so many challenges but they persisted till they got results.

If humans can go to this extent in seeking physical favours from God, why can’t we put in the same effort towards the work of God? Most of us easily give up when we attempt to work for God. In most cases, when we are exposed to the tasks to be accomplished or the challenges we have to go through to achieve something for God, we get discouraged and then back off. However, the bible encourages us to have a persistent heart as we seek to work for God and his kingdom.

Beloved, the reward for working for God is so magnificent that you need to do everything to pursue that course. Have the zeal for God, keep it and the LORD will help you achieve the results. Amen.

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