
Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

''Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. 8 Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life." (NIV) Galatians 6:7-8

Satan is very smart and knows the weaknesses of humanity. Deception has been a very powerful weapon that has been used since creation of the world and it is still working today. Human beings get confused and keep wondering on what to believe in and take decision because of the numerous deceptions in the world. Deception is a thing that deceives whether spiritually or physically.

Deceptions happen because of how we think and what we think of. Anybody can be deceived only when he/she allows it and is not vigilant. Having the following kind of mind sets renders us more vulnerable for deception. Individuals with “Closed Mentality” don’t want to hear and understand the truths of life and about God. Prov.28:14b– “he that hardens his heart shall fall into mischief.” Those with “Pessimistic Minds” always doubt about issues and can easily be deceived. Be optimistic: see some good and count your blessings. It is very dangerous to have a “Proud Mind” because you will easily be deceived. God always resists the proud Matt.23:12; 1 Pet.5:5. “Envious/Jealous Minds” are always thinking of getting all the things others possess. Rom.13:13,14– “Let us walk becomingly, as in the day; not in revelling and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and jealousy. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.” Those not content with what they have tend be covetous and have inordinate affections and are easily enticed through deception in sin. Finally, “Lazy Minds” will not want to engage themselves in ascertaining whether an issue is true or not (anything goes for them). Such minds are what the enemy uses most.

Deception is executed using so many tools on the conscience of men. Deception can never be forced on an individual, but rather you are enticed to believe in a lie or what does not exist. Whatever you are interested in life can be used to entice you through the way it will be packaged. Your spiritual and physical weaknesses are the links to the mind for deception.

Tools used for deceiving man are many with varying degrees. Anything that has power to influence the conscience can be a tool of deception. It can be nice words like that used on Adam and Eve. It can be pictures, video, music, sports and many more. The mass media is the biggest medium through which the tools are applied to the conscience of many people. Let us be careful of what we listen to and what we watch because they can be tools to deceive us into believing and practice wrong and sinful lives.

Consequences of deception are bad and unpleasant for all. The result of Judas Iscariots’ deception that he could make financial gains from betraying Jesus was so bad that he hung himself and was not able to enjoy the money. Many people today think that deceptions are short cuts to life in the physical and spiritual world. People want sex outside of marriage, quick massive riches and many more. Some are aggressively branding lies about Christianity to the world to deceive the elect people of God. Please be careful and wise to avoid being deceived by the evil one. Let the saints redeem the deceived world by showcasing the truth and edifying brethren on the goodness of God and the dangers associated with deception. Beware!

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