What is Your Excuse?

Written by Adelaide Mensah.

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (NIV) 1 Samuel 16:7

A panel was set to review Jesus's recruitment options. They were two men and a woman. They had gone through the profile of all twelve men and here is an extract of their report.

Overview: "Generally speaking, 80% are lacking in expertise, formal education, experience and vocational skills for the job available. They do not have any referees to attest to their capabilities as well, not forgetting that they do not possess any common grounds to foster team spirit. In effect, they are not suitable for the job."

Findings from Our Background Study:

"Philip seems to be utterly unaware of what to do with his life, let alone make an impact on others.

Peter seems to be emotionally unstable and quick-tempered.

Andrews has no iota of skills to be considered for the job.

John (has an explosive temper) and James (sons of Zebedee) are selfish and put their interest first.

Thomas is indecisive and doubtful about his own life.

James (son of Alphaeus) and Thaddaeus have a questionable attitude that is nothing to write home about.

Matthew is not trustworthy and so is Jude.

Bartholomew is of royal birth and well educated.

Simon the Zealot was only filled with a single-minded zeal for only his country and Judas Iscariot is a violent greedy man."

Recommendation: "We unanimously recommend that Jesus conduct a proper interview to make the best selection for the Job of Apostleship.''

The panel did their best within their scope of knowledge to come up with the report above but let’s look at the irony of the situation.

These recommendations are based on the world's opinion of who is deemed fit for God's business and the employer here is Jesus Christ.

This is Jesus Christ, the Son of God who is the creator of the universe...and decided to work with these men that others do not see any good in them. All they had to do was to avail themselves for the work. With all their flaws, God used them to establish His Church. When all was said and done the weakness of these Apostles were eventually tamed by the work and word of God.

What is your excuse? Is it that you don't know the scriptures so you cannot evangelize? Is it that your work schedule is so tight that you cannot visit? Is it that your family’s demands are burdensome that you cannot engage in the work of God? Is it that you are entangled in sin that you cannot do the work of God anymore? We can go on and on making excuses with our weakness, but we actually have no excuse to ignore the work of God. God is willing to use you in diverse ways for His work. In Mark 1:16-18 and Matthew 4:18-20 when some of the apostles were called, they just left whatever they were doing at the time and followed Christ without any excuses. I am sure you may be thinking they are ordinary fishermen and probably didn't have anything to lose but that is not the case.

In 2020, I urge you to leave the comfort of your excuses and make yourself available for the work of God so that when the roll is called up in Heaven you will be there. Amen!

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