Home alone for the holiday

Written by Tom Smith.

While we usually think of this time of year as a time of being with family and friends, a time of great joy, the fact is for many, it is one of the worst times of the year. Many people dread the holiday season because for many reasons they are alone, and feel left out of the festivities associated with the season. It is the time of year when suicides are at their highest. Being alone takes on a new significance during the holidays.

I want to encourage you today. First of all, I want to remind you as God told Joshua, as the Lord told his disciples. "I will never leave you nor forsake you." The fact is, God is always with us. While that fact is comforting, it still does not alleviate the loneliness many feel from a lack of human companionship. In the Book of Hebrews, God commanded that we "not forsake the fellowship of one another." That means being part of a local congregation. You see, one of the important facets of being part of a local congregation, is that it is a source of fellowship. It is where we can find people of faith, who become part of our life. While many of you understand that God is always with you, and you have fellowship with other believers, you are still dealing with being alone.

The real loneliness that is so strong during this time of year, is the loneliness that comes from not having a spouse, or not having a close relationship with your family. One of life's mysteries to many is why God allows some to remain single. The best I can do is to encourage you to treat it like any other battle. Have someone to pray with you who will walk through this time with you, and then rely on the strength God can give you each day. Don't be frustrated if you don't see results right away. His timing is always perfect, His grace sufficient for the day. God knows your desire, and understands your need. As for your family, do all that you can to reconcile with any family member you are estranged from.

I know the pain and hurt so many are going through during this season when others appear to be so full of joy. Please know that you will be in my prayers. I wish I had magical answers, but there are none. However, there is One who does have the answer. It is during these times in our life, those times when we hurt and things don't make sense, that we need to press on even deeper in our daily walk with Christ. You see, that is what will sustain you through those lonely, difficult times.

The promises in His Word are true. We need to find our peace, comfort, and joy in Him. In our service to Him. My best advice for those who are lonely, is to know that you are not alone. Find ways to serve others during this season. It is in your service that you find the true meaning in what being a Christian is all about. It is also in service that we realize we really are never alone as long as we have Jesus. As difficult as this Christmas season may be for some because you are alone, let me remind you that the promise of God's Word is that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Here is some advice for those who are alone this Christmas season. Let the Lord use YOU to bring His hope, His love, to someone else who may be alone this Christmas season.

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