The “few”

Written by Alhassan Mohammed Sandargo.

Belonging to the minority could be discouraging and difficult. The road is narrow and the gate is small but it definitely squeezes the finest out of us. Clear limits are to be observed and the acceptable items carried along the journey. The Lord Jesus in His sermon on the Mount also mentioned the “few” when he expressed, “But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” (Matthew 7:14)

The prophet Elijah got it wrong but was corrected by the Lord, when he thought he alone constituted the ‘few’ of his time instead of the seven thousand (1Kings 19:10,14,18). Also, in the Book of Revelation, the saved (or the “few”) are portrayed as “a great multitude which no one could count” (Revelation 7:9). So there is still hope, though comparatively the saved are few compared to those on the broad way. The faithful have always been in the minority.

In the days of Noah, only eight people were saved (1Peter 3:20) of all the people on earth. The exodus of the Israelites from Egypt hints that only Joshua and Caleb (Numbers 14:30) made it to the promise land, out of about six hundred thousand men of fighting age (Exodus 12:37).

Thus, it is so vivid that not everyone is on the Lord’s side though it is made to appear so. The perception today is that God will accept anything offered to Him both in worship and service and that it does not matter what God has already instructed on a certain matter.

It is still important to mention that only a ‘remnant’ will be saved according to both the Old Testament (Isaiah 10:21, 22) and the New Testament (Romans 11:5). God’s people are still in the minority today. The urgency of this matter can be realized in the repeated teachings given by Jesus. According to Jesus, many are called but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14) and that more are headed to the realm of “outer darkness” than imagined (Matthew 8:11, 12; 22:13).

One’s eternal destiny depends on whether one faithfully belongs to the little flock, the saved. And it is the church built by the Lord Jesus Christ discoursed (Matthew 16:18, Romans 16:16), for no other is promised.

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