God’s Abomination

Written by Dede Abebreser Tsonyake.


"These six things the LORD hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devices wicked imagination, feet that are swift in running to mischief, a false witness who speaks lies and he who sows discord among brothers."(NIV) Proverbs 6:16-19

Christianity is all about the love for God and neighbour (Mark 12:28-31). The love for God must automatically lead to the love of neighbour (Matthew 25:31-46). It is therefore not surprising that though God hates all forms of sin, sins that destroy love among neighbours are an abomination to him.

Let us take the seven abominations, reflect and try to assess ourselves. The first on the list is haughty eyes. This also means arrogance or pride. Many times, people say they are confident when in actual sense are exhibiting arrogance. Arrogance is behaving (or even feeling) as if one is more important than or know more than, other people (Cambridge dictionary) while a confident person inspires others. Look within yourself and I am sure you can tell where you fall-an arrogant person or a confident person.

There are people who just tell lies at every chance-it does not matter how “big” or “small” the lie is. Others justify their lies thinking it does not hurt anyone. However, telling a lie anytime affects the integrity of an individual and no one wants to associate with an individual with no integrity. Are you a lying tongue?

We live in a society where the innocent who cannot pay are often “sacrificed”. We have heard of numerous cases where people who did not commit the offense they were charged with are rotting in prisons because they could not afford to pay their way out of the situation they find themselves.

A heart that devices wicked imaginations will end up as feet that are swift in running to mischief. As we think evil of a brother, it won’t be long when we act on those wicked thoughts.

Are you a false witness who speaks lies? You claim to have seen or know of an event that never occurred or didn’t occur the way you described it?

Are you the troublemaker whose sole aim is to create discord among brothers? Do you find pleasure in ensuring that brothers do not live at peace with each other?

Today, let us reflect and eliminate any of these abominations that we may be habouring. May the Lord help us in this regard.

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