Distracted Missionaries

Written by Douglas Agyapong.

"We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God." (NIV) 2 Corinthians 5:20

Christians are simply ambassadorial voyagers on short term mission in another country called the world. We represent Heaven and we have been sent to this world on a short-term assignment based on everyone’s purpose or gift.

Usually, tourists do not settle down in a country where they mean to just tour. For example, hardly would a tourist who is visiting for only 3 months, purchase a house, furnish it, buy a vehicle and even own a bank account before his period of stay is due. Such commitments are rather made in a country where one plans to live more permanently. Also, if one happens to spend just a night at a friend’s house, there would not be the need to unpack his luggage and settle down fully.

This is the manner in which the Christian ought to live on this earth. However, many Christians seem to be settling well into the world and entangling themselves with everything in the world with all its pleasures, lusts and evil. They seem to have forgotten that they are not citizens but just Ambassadors of a foreign brand. And that soon, they will need to render accounts of their mission to their Master.

Christians are rather supposed to remain focused, busy with their assigned jobs: evangelizing, visiting, praying, benevolence, fellowship and the like rather than indulge in all the carnal distractions; acknowledging that our mission days on earth are numbered and judgment comes soon.

Dear Christian reader let us not lose focus on our purpose on earth and mingle in other side matters. Hebrews 12 admonishes that we throw off every limiting weight in order that we can run the good race.

Reflection: Jesus Christ is awesome. Are you representing Him well?

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