The Simple Christian

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." (NKJV) James 4:8

The above passage has three interesting phases that I have come to appreciate as a child of God. The passage reveals a way of life that is simple and fulfilling for a Christian’s walk with the Lord. God in His infinite wisdom has laid down simple principles and guidelines for His children to follow. They are actions that glorify His name in our lives and bring His presence to us as Christians.

And although very simple, God’s children have made them very complex to abide by. You and I are no exceptions in this error of complexity in the Christendom. Instead of learning to be just Christians, we strive too hard setting rules for ourselves that makes us superficial Christians.

In examining the passage we see that it first and foremost says “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”. Obviously, this is a simple give and take issue. An action with a reaction. An effort with a reward that is worthwhile. Our heavenly father seeks a relationship with us. He desires that we approach His throne of grace daily. He requires our songs of praise and offering constantly. The bible says God enthrones in the praise of His people (Psalm 22:3). This shows how important we are to God and why He loves us so much. It shows what to do to get God to sit at the dinner table with you or to get into that shopping centre with you or that exam centre or to be with you on your travels among others.

The second part continues as “cleanse your hands, you sinners”. This means that the next thing to do to invite God’s presence daily is to let go of anything that causes you to become an enemy of God (i.e. a lawbreaker or sinner). There is nothing better than walking daily with a clean conscious - one that is guilt free and focused on God. It is true that as humans we are not perfect, but with little efforts and consistency we can please God (Philippians 2:12).

The third part of the scriptural verse says, “purify your hearts, you double-minded”. It is an extension of the second part. It requires us to constantly wash our robes in the blood of Jesus by confessing our sins daily to one another and to Him (James 5:16). As we continually confess our sins, our hearts are made right with God. The Lord searches our hearts and makes us worthy of His name (Psalm 139:23). With this, faith is born in our hearts as we fellowship with God.

The day to day effort we put into building a relationship with God trains us for heaven. It becomes habitual life activities. The more we commit to them, the better we will become in the simplest of terms as Christians. Christians that are dear to the father God and build unshakeable faith in the face of any strong storms.

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