Be Bold (Part 2)

Written by Alfred Ofori Agyemang.

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (NIV) Joshua 1:7

Maybe you are scared you will fail in life by standing for what is right and true. It seems majority of people are following lies and wrong things in life making you feel lonely in the right path. Remember the right and saving path to success in this life and the one to come is narrow and few people wants to pass through that.

God created man with boldness to act in all situations for God has not given us the spirit of timidity (2 Tim 1:7). Trusting God and his words in scripture is the surest way to be bold and confident in life. All other physical means of achieving success and greatness are temporal and unsustainable. Everything with God’s approval also have God’s authority backing it. If God is the one backing you in life, what else can give you power to act? God charged Joshua not turn right or left from the law of God, as we Christians.

Are you aware that fearful ones will not be part of heaven (Rev. 21:8)? If anything should put fear and panic in us, it must be life without God (Matt. 10:28). Fear does not even allow people to work as happened in the parable of talents (Matt. 25:24). Believe in God and yourself, step out to work and remember success come from the Lord.

Boldness comes with steadfastness. Those with bold character cannot be discouraged from the right course of life. Be steadfast and immovable in serving God and pursuing what is right in life to succeed (1 Cor. 15:55).

As you start out for the week, many things will shake you up causing fear and distractions as to which way to pass and the stands to take. Don’t panic because you have a good God by your side, focus on him and trust him to grant you boldness to face each day. Amen

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