Stand the Test

Written by Daily Inspirer Team.

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. (NIV) James 1:12

Obstacles in Christianity may come in various form of trials which can make us fall. After we have fallen, the guilt usually weighs so heavily on us and causes us to redraw from our High Priest - Jesus Christ (Genesis 3:9-10). The good news is that we do not have a high priest who has not been tested but one who was tested in all ways and yet was without sin (Luke 4:1-13). This means He knows how it feels like to be tested, therefore understands and knows how to guide us when we are faced with these obstacles. If we are able to look up to Him (Matthew 11:28-30), we will overcome and earn the crown of success and perseverance.

Dear reader, when trials come your way, it is either a test from God or a temptation of the devil (James 1:13). In both situations, it takes the grace of God to remain firm and strong. Trust in God to deliver you. Never be overwhelmed by the test and temptation which have become the obstacle. After praying, you need to look beyond the obstacle so that you do not fall. Keep in mind, Jesus Christ is your high priest and looking up to Him means not allowing yourself to be swayed. God be with you.

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