Just come and see for yourself

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

John 1:45-50

From the bible reading, I do appreciate Philip for the amazing work he did for his brother. Most at times when good things come our way, we forget to share them with the people around us especially the family God has blessed us with. Philip never hid Jesus from his brother Nathanael. We may have erred in this regard in 2018, and God forgives us because we were ignorant of that truth. But in 2019, a new year has begun and we are expected not to repeat our mistakes of 2018.

We should count ourselves highly privileged to be a part of this amazing year. It is not by our might but by the grace of God. I acknowledge that many of us had tough times in 2018. Things did not go as we wanted. Consequently, we are worried about all the events that are about to unfold in 2019. Our past matters but they do not determine our future so let us not lament about them. Remember that lamenting can cause us to grieve the Holy Spirit given us (Ephesians 4:29-32).

In 2019, “can anything good come our way? Just as Philip told Nathanael, I am also admonishing you to “just come and see”. Come and see the Messiah that the prophets talked about (Isaiah 9:6). I am talking of the man who fed 5000 people with just 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, and still had twelve baskets full left (John 6:1-14). I am talking of the man who gave his life so we can be called sons of God (John 3:16-17, 1 John 3:1). The man who walked on the sea (Mark 6:45-52), healed all kinds of diseases (John 9), calmed the storms (Mark 4:35-40) and showed us how great the father’s love is for us (Romans 8).

Dear child of God, this is the God we serve. His power and greatness can’t be fully expressed on this paper. Just come and see in 2019 and you will truly see the magnitude and depth of His greatness in your lives. No matter your problem, join the train with Jesus and see the man I am talking about. Give your ALL to him in 2019 and you will never regret you did. By the end of the year, let God say about you too: “here comes an honest man—a true son of Israel.”

If you are not a Christian, it is never too late. This is your chance to Salvation. Repent and commit your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus is a man we can trust. He holds the future and he sees all before it happens. I came and saw for myself! It’s your turn now!

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