Love makes family time possible

Written by Daily Inspirer Team.

"We love because he first loved us." (NIV) 1 John 4:19

Let’s begin by drawing up our to-do list for the day. I guess it’s a tall list of items that demand equal attention. Perhaps there is an additional list from the previous day. My guess is that you would wish the day is more than 24 hours so that you can complete all items on your list. If that is the case, will there be enough time left for families and loved ones?

This is a question I often ask myself when I think I have a lot to do. And that makes me wonder how people of old manage to keep families and friends and remain successful. To find answers, I asked myself how life was 50 years ago?

From the internet, we know that 50 years ago there were no personal computers and smartphones which make work and communication easier and faster in our generation. 50 years ago, there were no microwaves, bread toasters and all the kitchen stuff that make cooking easier and faster. 50 years ago, transportation by road or air was not as efficient and fast as our present generation. So, the big question is: why is time still limited in our generation when we have all these “super” fast technologies? Shouldn’t we be better at spending time with families than people of old?

Our answer can be found in 1 John 4:19: “We love because he first loved us.” When we were undeserving and wrapped up in the mud of sin, Christ made time for us. He stopped everything he was doing in his heavenly glory and came down to earth to spend time with us, love us and sacrifice himself for us. And so, we need to love our families like how Christ loved us. We need to make time for our families and loved ones. It’s not an issue of the generation, it is an issue of how we are willing to submit to one another (families) out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21). Beloved, let us make every effort to love our families and through that will make time for them (Ephesians 4:3).

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