Seize the opportunity

Written by Derrick Owusu Antwi.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things, I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. (KJV) Philippians 4:11-12

Paul, the apostle, together with Timothy in His letter to the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, (Philippians 1:1), admonishes the Christians on basic needful life issues in a Godly approach.

He uses himself as an epitome of what he talks about. He tells us how he trained himself to be content or appreciative of whatever situation.

With inference, we deduce that Paul took advantage of the opportunity he had to serve Christ, though the worst sinner formerly (I Timothy 1:13) to prove his course to the fellow saints and to us all.

Chance is a function of opportunity and preparedness/willingness to serve. It doesn’t come out of the blue but requires effort. We must, therefore, follow these words and act accordingly so as to make the judicious/sustainable use of any opportunity that comes our way.

We should be cognizant of the fact that every opportunity we come across could be a blessing or a curse unto us based on how we harness it. A favourite quote from a beloved brother read, not all opportunities are to be taken, some are baits.

Quite obvious but then as Christians, we should see the positivity in every opportunity and make good use to come out victorious.

Like Paul, the apostle, let us know how to be abased and know how to abound.

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