
Pure Religion

By: Lizmat

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (NIV) James 1:27

There are many religions in the world today. Many of their disciples have life being served at their feet. Life seems rosy for them. Most times they prosper at our expense as Christians and we ask ourselves whether we are doing the right thing, but God’s word gives us the assurance. The doubts intensify when we look at the Christendom. Those who call themselves Christians preach virtue and practice vice and this hurts. Everyone pursues freewill and is whimsical because God does not give us instant justice as a result of his love for us through Christ. Therefore we must believe in the one true religion which pleases God and it is our duty to search and do what he wants.

The essence of Christianity which is the true religion is based on Service: Service to God and mankind. It is our duty to be fervent in spirit, pure in heart, sound in the faith, speech and doctrine of our Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, we cannot serve two masters (God and Mammon). Failure to bridle our tongue and follow God’s doctrine amounts to us being hypocrites and unfaithful to the Lord (Titus 1:13, 2:8, 2:1, 1Tim 4:16, Matt 6:24).

It is therefore obvious that to please God, we do not follow the concocted doctrines of men but rather follow God’s pattern as stated in the Word by turning away from our sins and serving the true living God(Romans 12:1-2) in a world whose heart is so far from God.

Hymn:Lord, I'm coming home

I've wandered far away from God

Now I'm coming home

The path of sin too long I've trod Lord,

I'm coming home.

Coming home, coming home

Never more to roam

Open wide Thine arms of love

Lord, I'm coming home.

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