
Zaphenath-Paneah; Joseph

Written by Mantebeah Elizabeth Matilda Abena.

“And He sent a man before them – Joseph, sold as a slave."(NIV) Psalm 105: 17

Bible reading: Psalm 105:7-22, Genesis 39

It’s very interesting the way God works. Our inability to understand Him makes Him God. That is why He says in Isaiah that our ways are not His ways and our thoughts aren’t His too. We only need to trust Him. Our trust in God’s ways is able to bring the glory of God into our lives. Our trust in him makes us productive in Christ.

Joseph was a man like any of us. He was an effective and productive servant of God because he trusted God. Even though he might not have understood why God allowed his brothers to sell him, he never gave up his trust in God.

When he was in prison, he still worked for the Lord. He was obedient in all situations to the Lord. He even denied a lifetime “scholarship” which most young men would not let go; thus to sleep with the beautiful Potiphar’s wife. Why? He gave this simple but bold answer: “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God (Gen. 39:9)?” What a strong character?

God has sent us likewise into this world. He awaits the good news that we stood the test of time. It isn’t easy beloved brethren to stand up for Jesus in difficult times. The pressures of temptations weigh us so much that we want to let go just for a moment. But beloved, God is our strength because we have been sent by Him.

We have to trust Him like Joseph did. Even in our darkest hours, lets trust in the fact that he sent us and he will deliver us in due time.

The God who sent you will sustain you.

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